October 21 2019
Bamfield Community Affairs SocietyUnofficial MinutesOctober 21, 2019Attendance: Linda and Larry Myres, Jerry Gassner, Diana Bartsch, John and Sheryl Mass, Bernadette Wyton, Liz Isaac, Mark Stokes, Bob Baden, Rae Hopkins, Lisa Herbig, Louis Druehl, Erin Bradley, Ken Bodaly, Zelta Clappis, Jamie Glikinson, Bob Beckette, Regina Charytonowicz, Charlie Clappis,Chris Donnison, Stefan Ochman.Call to order: 6.32Bernie Wyton acknowledged we are on traditional territory of Huu ay aht First Nations.Introduced Mark Stokes to chair tonight’s meeting.Motion to Receive Minutes of September 17th 2019.Motion to approve agenda changes. M/Linda Myers, s/Lisa Herbig.Motion was to write letter to Bamfield Parks Commission regarding launch fees regarding launch for local taxpayers..Louie adopt as amended, s/John Mass.5 in favour, 8 against, 7 abstainers.Treasurers report: Sheryl MassM/Bob Baden, s/Larry MyersCorrespondence:
- Bernie Wyton read letter to Bamfield Parks Commission regarding launch fees.
- Letter read from Parks , policy to continue as always, everyone pays launch fees.
- Letter in support of Ambulance.
M/Lisa Hiberg, s/John Mass.Regional Directors Report: Bob Beckett:
- Had a meeting with Telus in Victoria two weeks ago, Bob reports positive updates with a formal announcement from Telus to the community of Bamfield coming soon. Everyone will have access to 911.
- ‘Wrecked Abandoned and Hazardous Vessels Act’ is a new legislation gone into effect regarding abandoned boats. Any complaints should be directed to Jonn Leeden with Transport Canada. 1-888-675-8683
- Thanked Linda Myers for years of service, dedication to the community, also thanked Jerry Gassner for offering to take on the role of EPC.
- The Bamfield Road: Met with the Premier on two occasions, once as a delegation with the Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Mayor Millions from Port Alberni, and on another time latter in the week more informally to discuss concerns BMSC had regarding bus service. Both meetings were very productive and I can’t thank Chief Dennis and his council enough for all their effort in the past and immediately following this very tragic traffic accident. I under stand that the Premier and staff will be visiting Bamfield in November and hope that he will be delivering good new to our communities.
- Active Investigation being carried out regarding vehicle fire in front of the Motel, anyone with information is to contact Sargent Seabrook with the RCMP.
- Bob thanked Linda at the end of his reporting.
- The BCAS thanked Linda for her service and presented her with a gift.
- Bob also thanked Linda and presented a gift.
Linda Myers:Gave a very interesting report on past, present and future of Emergence Preparedness, starting with PEP in the early 1990’s, we are one of the smallest communities and one of the most active, needing more volunteerism, Arrowsmith Amateur radio is very involved with helping out and training any interested, Jerry Gassner to take over EP Coordinator. Had a meeting in October with two RCMP, Telus, Wild fire, and 1st res-ponders.Bob Baden:
- Read completion report on the Parking project, start date May 27th adding 15-18 new parking spots, the project was interrupted by a local resident on May 30th and work was not completed. Discussion followed regarding painting lines and finishing the job.
Motion/Bernie Wyton: Bob Beckett and Bob Baden to approach MOTI to identify what needs to be done to address the shortcomings of Phase 1 of the Parking Proect and what needs to be done to complete the project in Phase 2.S/Louie DruehlBCSA:
- Cooking class Thursday 26th at the Fire Hall with Dan McFadden
- Basketball Wednesdays 7.30 at the school
- Community school lunch RSVP Wed. Oct 30th.
- !st Response Unit is here, driver training in progress, until all training is complete Medical calls will still be responded by the Suburban.
- Halloween dance Oct. 26th, The Broken Group to play, tickets $20.00
HFN: Charlie Clappis
- Annual Assembly was held here with 118 citizens attending, the AGM was excellent.
- His position is Housing and Infrastructure, anyone interested in affordable housing may contact him. Three houses have been moved to the Upper Village with two more coming.
- Assessment needs Report….
- Gas Bar has been moved to Ostroms.
Stefan Ochman: arrived after the voting poles closed to give a report, 224 residence listed to vote, 25 registered today,with 14 advanced votes and 142 residence voted on voting day.Chris Donnison: Music by the Sea. Need higher attendance if going to continue, will partner with Charlie Clappis and HFN promoting a three day package, including a Sea Plane flight from Victoria, lodge at the Motel, to include cultural day tours and possible cultural tourism events.Gerry Gassner: Motion to reduce Grants in Aid to $5000. max on any one project. Addition by Jamie Glikinson; unless approved at Community Affairs Meeting.S/Larry MyersDiscussion followed:Louie Druehl moved to have motion Tabled until next meeting.S/Larry Myers.Gerry Gassner agree to Table to next meeting.S/Larry Myers.Meeting Adjourned: 8.45