January 20 2020

Bamfield Community Affairs SocietyUnofficial MinutesJanuary 20th 2020 Attendance: Zelta Clappis, Bernadette Wyton, Kevin McDougall, Sharleen Wolff, Bob Baden, Stefan Ochman, Charlie Clappis, Christine Gruman, Kristin Russell, James Christie, John and Sheryl Mass, J.P.Hastey, Stella Wenstob, Liz Isaac, Mark Stokes.Acting Chair: Zelta ClappisMeeting Called to Order: 6.30 pmZelta acknowledged we are on the traditional territory of Huu-ay-aht First NationsAgenda: Motion to approve agenda with addition of new business, a presentation by James Christie on his West Government Dock proposal.  m/Bob Baden s/Sheryl Mass. Approved.Adoption of Minutes: Motion to adopt minutes of Nov. 18 2019: m/John Mass, s/Kevin McDougall ReceivedTreasurer’s Report: Sheryl Mass, No change from last meeting.18,629.04 chequing; 2,416.51 savingsMotion to Receive Treasurer’s Report: m/Kristin Russell, s/John Mass. Received.Bamfield Road Update, Charlie Clappis

  • There have been 3 positive meetings regarding road upgrade since the Premiers visit, Western Forest Products, Mosaic Forest Management, Bob Beckett, and HFN in attendance. A task force called Urban Systems is assessing use; industrial traffic, ownership of land and use, safety, budgeting discussion, hard top options.
  • Premier Task to assess Forest use, Reconciliation, Dept. Of Highways status, safety is his big concern.
  • Port Alberni Mayor says they fully support improvements to the Bamfield road and that Port Alberni has no other road improvement proposals now for our region.
  • Bob Beckett attended the last meeting with Mayor, Western, HFN, MOSIC
  • HFN has had survey and engineering research done

Public Questions:

  • Will Ministry of Transport take over? Charlie response, no, the road will remain Private.
  • Is there a shorter less dangerous route to Port that could be used to reduce travel by 20km or more
  • What surface will be decided on
  • Will the off-road logging trucks be in use on a hard top road? response, they are phasing out these trucks
  • If designated highway, will Province maintain, Charlie responded, MOT Clair Traveen says province is not interested but willing to put money into private road with safety in mind. 1 million dollars mentioned
  • Need for statistics of death and accidents on road
  • Need for immediate improvements to treacherous danger spots, culverts, soft shoulders, drop offs, narrow cliff sides
  • A local meeting with any community members interested to further discuss road concerns will be set up by Bob Baden, he will organize this with Bob Beckett and announce to community a date for this meeting. M/Zelta

Regional Directors ReportAlternative ACRD representative Bob Baden reporting for Bob Becket

  • December 12 2019 I attended the Anacla/Bamfield Reconciliation and Road Action Working Group in Nanaimo, progress is being made to address our concerns, Chief Dennis and HFN have been instrumental in moving this matter forward with the Province and various stake holders and (Bob Beckett) respectfully defers to Councillor Charlie Clappis to provide an update on this matter
  • Telus General Manager Mr. Draper has assured me that plans to upgrade our Telus cell reception are still going ahead and I can expect an update from their technical team as early as this week
  • MOTI and Mainroads visit to Bamfield on Thursday January 23rd with the goals of; Review the unfinished east side parking project and come up with an estimate for material and construction of the balance of the project, inspect the west side roads with the goal of creating an annual plan that would address long term maintenance and infrastructure upgrades, inspect the area of Binnacle Rd. that is prone to flooding the duplex property.
  • ACRD Bylaw update: ACRD is to review, consolidate and bring their bylaws up to date with current applicable legislation. The Board has met numerous times with staff and as a result staff continue to make changes in accordance with the direction from the Board. This matter will again come to the Board in the form of a proposed bylaw, at which time the board will give direction on how and what the community consultation process will look like. The matter is not on this weekend agenda.
  • Call box and Cell coverage along Bamfield Rd. The need to enhance access to 911 along the route is important, the ACRD Board has passed a motion and a resolution that speaks to improving communication throughout the road and highway networks within the region. As a result of our efforts a representative from the Provincial Citizens Services reached out to me to offer expertise regarding the Bamfield Rd. In turn the MOTI has also stepped up and offered to assist in seeing how we might be able to expedite the installation of strategically located call boxes along the route and or identify areas where cell coverage could be provided.

Bamfield Community School, Kristin Russell

  • A very successful Christmas Concert in December, raising 1300.00 with the Loonie raffle, this money will be used to buy lights and microphones for future performances and school field trips.
  • Family Literacy Day Jan. 27th
  • Pop-up play Jan. 28th with Early Childhood Educator performance by Port Alberni group
  • Feb 11-13th no access to the Gym, no basketball that week, visitors sleeping in the Gym
  • Two new students joined us this year bringing school population up to 21
  • New resident Julie Bradley who is a teacher will be covering Prep time for our 2 teachers.

BCSA Christine Gruman

  • Community Lunch Wednesday Jan. 29th, please rsvp to BCSA, everyone welcome.
  • Dental Cleaning coming to Bamfield, watch for dates, open to public

HFNLands and Resources, Christine Gruman

  • Signage for tenure labeling streams within the watershed program will be posted along the main road, first in English and eventually in the traditional language in an effort to increase protect habitat awareness.

Other, Charlie Clappis

  • Final Design of Sewage Treatment Plant has gone to MOE for approval, waiting for approval

Bamfield Community Hall, JP Hastey

  • Robbie Burn’s dinner cancelled.
  • Still waiting to hear about grant for community hall.

Road Safety, Stefan Ochman

  • Next meeting Wednesday January 22 at 5 pm

Bamfield/Anacla Community Forest, Stefan Ochman

  • Next meeting Thursday Jan 24th
  • A survey has been completed for one km of trail behind the Porters property which took 14 days to complete, the cost was more than expected
  • We can look forward to trail development
  • Looking to hire locals to do selective logging along the Kiixin Rd which has easy access
  • Four maps have been created and will be super-imposed on each other and made available to the community at a Spring presentation.

New Business, James Christie

  • James has put a proposal in to Transport Canada to acquire the West Government Dock under the name of West Bamfield Community Assets, hoping to keep the dock within the community rather than a private offer that has been put forward to Transport Canada.
  • A suggestion was put forward that the Harbour Authority should be contacted regarding take over of this dock as they have liability insurance and are very interested in helping remote communities access services needed. We look forward to hearing from James on this at our next meeting.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday Feb. 18th due to Monday Feb. 17th being Family Day.Meeting Adjourned, 8.17 PMSubmitted by Liz Isaac Next Meeting Tuesday February 18th 20206.30 Bamfield Community SchoolEveryone Welcome