November 19, 2018
Bamfield Community Affairs Society
Unofficial Minutes November 19, 2018
Bamfield Community School - 6:30PM
Attendance:, Keith Wyton, Bernadette Wyton, Stefan Ochman, Janessa Dornstrauder, Rose Janelle, Jerry & Diane Gassner, Zelta Clappis, Max Salamon, Cailean Meredith, Bob Beckett, John Mass, Charlie Clappis, Marnie Mcaughtrie, Louis Druehl, Donna Dunn, Jane Morrison, Les Jmaeff, Fernando Descoteaux, Rae Hopkins, Sarah Dentoom, Lisa Bye, Peter Herbig, Roger Demontigny, Steve Demontigny, Paul Demontigny
Community Affairs Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm: Louis Druehl
Adoption of October 2018 minutes
Motion/Rae Hopkins Received/Rose Janelle
Treasurer’s Report
Tabled until next meeting.
Regional Director’s Report
Louis Druehl: Welcome Bob Beckett as the Regional Director!
Bob Beckett: Thank-you to Keith Wyton for your time as Regional Director for the past 4 years.
- Meetings in Port Alberni for training and getting up to speed
- ACRD Board Meeting summary: raised the issue about 911 in our community and the lack of cell phone coverage. Board will call in representatives from Rogers and Telus to discuss current problems. Water system: no update from VIHA. Ambulance request: met with Kelly Gilday who is preparing a report with recommendations.
Bob’s goals as ACRD Regional Director: 1. Getting to know the community 2. Meet with the various groups in the community 3. Developing positive relationships with community members and stakeholders.
Bamfield Chamber of Commerce Update - Marnie Mcaughtrie:
- Bamfield Chamber of Commerce currently has 29 members.
- Updated website in the spring:
- In the process of updating brochure
- Updating Facebook page - Bamfield Chamber of Commerce. Please post Bamfield photos on the Facebook page!
- Film crew that did a marketing campaign for Port Alberni included Bamfield. Article and video on KiiXin. Same film crew toured BMSC, West Side, Coast Guard, Boat Ride. Produced a 2-minute video for marketing material.
- DFO is considering expanding critical habitat for Southern Resident Killer Whales for areas around Bamfield. Chamber representative have attended info sessions put on by DFO. Created a coalition of chambers up the west coast of Vancouver Island and met with Johnathon Wilkinson to voice concerns about DFO not having sufficient data. On December 3, DFO will announce if the critical habitat will be expanded.
VIHA - Donna Dunn:
- New defibrillator at the Bamfield Health Clinic
- First cardiology telehealth happened this month
- Flu shots are still available (no cost)
- Naloxone kits are available for anyone to have (no cost). Training is required (online or 20 by Donna).
Bamfield Huu-ay-aht Community Forrest Society - Stefan Ochman
- Held 2 board meetings to review new by-laws. Hard copies are available from Stefan and online on the Bamfield Corkboard Facebook page.
- Did not have quorum at Special General Meeting to approve; will reschedule meeting before November 28.
- Will be meeting with a forester to generate a Total Chance Plan. Have distributed a survey to generate feedback from the community about what your priorities are for the forest. Hard copies are available at Bamfield Mercantile and Marine and online version has been posted on the Bamfield Corkboard Facebook page.
Bamfield Road Safety - Stefan Ochman
- WFP needs to order more material to fix the culvert that was supposed to be fixed this month. When the material comes in, there will be a scheduled road closure to fix the culvert - likely January.
- Rose - Does anyone know who is vandalizing vehicles? Stephan - not sure. Jerry - Who’s responsibility is it to clear vehicles off the road? Stephan - WFP.
Historical Society - Rae Hopkins
- 10 informational signs have been installed around town. 2 more signs have been planned
Harbour Authority - Rae Hopkins
- Dock manager Amy is away until February. Stacey Hrushowy will be filling in. Contact info for Stacey is the same as Amy.
BCSA - Cailean Meredith
- Oysters, Authors & Ale Auction generated almost $6000 for literacy project.
- Community Lunch November 28th at noon at BCS
- BCSA Coordinator position is still open. Apply to
BMSC - Les Jmaeff
- BMSC is applying for a number of large, highly competitive grants. Will communicate results via Facebook and The New Bamfielder.
- Hiring a post-doc position for research.
- BMSC alumni Melissa Thompson was featured on the CBC Radio show: Quirks & Quarks for her research conducted at BMSC
- Update on cyber hacking: no update from Port Alberni RCMP. BMSC is working closely with UVic to improve security.
Bamfield Community Hall - Rose Janelle
- Bamfield Community Hall Christmas social 7-10pm on December 8th at the Rix
- Phone book should be available soon
Barkley Sound Alliance - Bernadette Wyton
- Awarded funding and intervening status on the trans mountain pipeline project
- Kwispa LNG has filed a project description with the provincial and federal environmental assessment offices. Highly recommend reading table 5.8 which outlines potential impacts. Project description can be found on CEAA website.
Kwipsa LNG info session November 28 from 4:30pm at House of Huu-ay-aht
Meeting adjourned 7:25pm m/John Mass
Next Meeting Monday 21 January 2019 6:30PM at Bamfield Community School
Minutes Submitted by Janessa Dornstauder