January 16, 2017
Bamfield Community Affairs Unofficial Minutes 16 January 2017 7:30PM- Bamfield Community School
Attendance: J.P.Hastey, Andrea Butler, Kristin Russell, Rose Janelle, Diana Barstch, Jerry Gassner, Roger Demontigny, Lisa & Peter Herbig, Stefan Ochman, Nancy Hendry, Steve Clarke, Christine Gruman, Louis Druehl, Rae Hopkins
Meeting called to order at 7:35PM.
Minutes of 21 November 2016: N/A
Treasurer’s Report –Stefan Ochman: $10,563 in chequing, $30,389 in savings account. Interest for December was $13.18. Motion to receive: L.Herbig, Seconded: K. Russell. Received.
Regional Director’s Report: N/A
Committee Reports Bamfield Community Hall Society- J.P. Hastey: Saturday the 28th of January, 5:00PM Robbie Burns Dinner at the Fire Hall. Doors open at 5:00PM. Tickets available at The Market, Bamfield Builders, Bamfield Mercantile & Marine & the Post Office. Auctioning a Laddie & a Lassie. –Katie Turner the Community Hall Project Coordinator is pulling together plans for a new hall.
Bamfield Arts Council- Andrea Butler: Knows someone would do the carvings for the Bamfield Welcome Sign. –Arts Council is considering to do something with the Cat Corner on the Boardwalk now that there are no resident cats. See Andrea if you want to buy a cat house.
Bamfield Community School – Kristin Russell: As of 3rd of January there are three teachers in the school: Katie Ratz – grades K-2, Kristin Russell – grades 4 & up and Sarah Osborne –Music teacher. –In December Judy Johnson the school bus driver hurt her foot so Peter Herbig has been filling in. – -December 6th the students took a field trip to BMSC. Thank you Marine Station!
-The students presented a great Christmas Concert. –Constable Batt is coming to the classroom for the next 10 weeks for the D.A.R.E. program(Drug & Alcohol Awareness). –Buddy Reading is Wednesday at 11:15AM. Everyone is welcome to become a Buddy Reader.
–Wednesday the 25th January is a Community Lunch 12:00 noon. -26th January is the commemoration of Cascadia 1700 earthquake
BCSA (Bamfield Community School Association) –Christine Gruman: A new coordinator arrives in early February. –The BCSA office hours have been slightly reduced due to no coordinator.
BVFD (Bamfield Volunteer Fire Department)- Rose Janelle: Phil Lavoie is the new Fire Chief and Mark Kelly is Deputy Chief. –The fire department is planning to replace the fireboat and the old fire truck on the west side.
–Large signs for BCEP (Bamfield Community Emergency Preparedness) and the fire department are being installed around town illustrated with aerial maps, fire hazard rating and tourist information. –BVFD membership is on the rise and anyone is welcome to join. Thank you, Rose, for being the scribe!
Choir-Nancy Hendry: Singing at Nancy’s house Tuesdays at 7:00PM until 9PM. Anyone wanting to sing is welcome.
Centennial Park – Lisa Herbig: No frozen pipes in the park so far this winter. –Community Garden has at least one, if not more, garden plot available see or call Lisa 250 728 3789. –Jerry Baird recently power-washed the Brady’s Beach composting toilet. – In addition to celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday this July 1st, Centennial Park turns 50 years old! A big celebration is being planned.
Bamfield Huu ay aht Community Forest – Stefan Ochman: The 3rd of January the Ministry of forests signed an agreement with BHCF and now requests rent to be paid from 2011! The Ministry was just sitting on the application & no cutting was permitted since 2011. The Community Forest has been granted 360 hectares (approximately 30 truck-loads) of forest to be cut for the next 4 years (2016-2020).
Bamfield Road Association –Stefan Ochman: Brian McKay got our MLA Scott Fraser’s attention on the severity of the Bamfield Road conditions during the December/January snow & ice. Not sure what Fraser’s action might be but “Thank you,” Brian!
Bamfield Historical Society- Rae Hopkins: The society will hold its Annual General Meeting the 1st of February at 5:00PM in the school. Everyone is welcome.
New Business Rae Presented the Bamfield Community Hall application for grant in aid requesting $500 to help defray the cost of insurance on the Boardwalk composting toilet. Directors voted and approved the request.
Nancy Hendry presented a grant in aid application for $5000 to have a Song Roots West Camp in Bamfield in September. It would be a four day camp with experienced choir masters leading intensive singing instruction for 24 out of towners with room for 10 Bamfielders. This request will be voted on by directors at February 20th Community Affairs meeting.
Andrea Butler presented an idea for a grant in aid proposing an End of an Era Zen Garden on the Boardwalk where the cat apartments currently are. This proposal will be written up & presented at the February 20th Community Affairs meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM
Submitted by Rae Hopkins
Next Meeting 20th February 2017
7:30 PM Bamfield Community School