May 16, 2016
Bamfield Community Affairs Unofficial Minutes 16 May 2016 7:30PM - Bamfield Community School
Attendance: Alison & Paul Bird, Ed Freisen, Kristin Russell, Lars Mogensen, Diana Bartach & Jerry Gassner, Stella Wenstob, Sheryl & John Mass, Jane Morrison, Lisa & Peter Herbig, Linda Myres, Stefan Ochman, Louis Druehl, Rae Hopkins
Meeting called to order 7:35PM
Minutes of 18 April 2016 Corrected to include the letter to Mandy Ross concerning the Bear Aware Garbage Bin grant in aid application that the directors voted to approve the grant application with the conditions: 1- that funds would not be released until a community survey was held. 2-grants in aid funding cover a maximum of the cost of each bin, with other 50% coming from recipient of bin or other source. 3- a portion of the funds be used toward communication materials to help educate community members & tourists how to use the bins & how to reduce garbage/food –related issues with bears. M/S S. Ochman/ E. Freisen. Received.
Treasurer’s Report- Stefan Ochman: Coastal Community Credit Union chequing account as of 30 April 2016 $188.04, CCCU High Interest savings account $32,179.31 which includes $13.71 interest. M/S S.Mass/ L.Mogensen. Received.
Committee Reports Bamfield Community School – Kristin Russell: 23rd of April was Earth Day & the students did a beach clean-up at Pachena Beach. –Natalie Clappis, Jagar Williams and Brady Butler graduated from the D.A.R.E program. Congratulations! –The students recently had a field trip to BMSC. Thank you, Marine Station. –There were Port Alberni students visiting Bamfield from John Howitt Elementary School. They spent 2 nights in the BCS gym. -Sarah Osborne has been teaching music to 10 students. [This made possible by the readers of the New Bamfielder. Thank you for your donations.] -Clara Clappis is teaching the students the Huu-ay-aht language. -The students will be learning how to harvest cedar bark and weaving, thanks to Clara & Steven Smith. –June 3 is the S.D.70 Track Meet which BCS will participate in, in Port Alberni. –June 9 a field trip to Nanaimo. –The students will be participating in Aboriginal Day events in June. –25th of May BCSA is hosting a Community Lunch.
Emergency Preparedness- Linda Myres: Exercise Coastal Response 2016 and Exercise Staunch Maple will be activated in our community from Tuesday, June 7 until Friday, June 10, 2016. Community volunteers will be needed to role play and assist in these exercises. All ages and abilities are needed. If you are able to volunteer during this week, Please contact Linda Myres at 250 728 1233 or -Rapid Damage Assessment Course will be offered. All community members are invited to attend. The course is offered on Thursday the 9th of June from 9:00am-1:00pm or 5:00pm-9:00pm FREE OF CHARGE! -Jerry Gassner, Jake Wenstob and Kevin McAughtrie have recently completed an emergency training program! Congratulations! -The school will be opened to accommodate the reception centre Tuesday 7th June from 10AM to 4:00 PM. Lisa Herbig and Diana Bartach are ESS leads to set-up.
Bamfield Community Hall Society- J.P. Hastey: The Hall AGM was Sunday the 15th of May. The same board of directors by acclamation. –Chili Cook Off. 19 June at Centennial Park. 12:00PM start tasting & voting for favourite chili. Prizes! Games! Sports! Music!
Bamfield Historical Society-Stella Wenstob: The historical society has joined FaceBook. There was and continues to be a membership drive. There are 35 new members. When you sign up to become a member you will receive a handy little write in the rain tide book for this area $5.00 individual, $10.00 family or $25.00 will get you, in addition to membership & tide book, a matted photograph of your choice from the Archives. Contact Rae Hopkins ( about becoming a member.
Bamfield Centennial Park- Lisa Herbig: Garden fairies and construction fairies have been doing some lovely things to the park. Thank you! The park is actively looking for anyone to mow lawns… -The Park committee is seeking someone to empty the two outhouses on the west side.$$ -Watch for an upcoming Work Bee. –If you are interesting in obtaining a community garden plot contact Lisa Herbig at
Bamfield Huu-ay-aht Community Forest – Stefan Ochman: The forest management plan was submitted the 10th of May. –BC Community Forest organizations are meeting at Lake Cowichan. Some of the Bamfield Huu-ay-aht directors will be attending and will have the opportunity to see how harvesting is going on in that area.
New Business Art in the Park organized by Kat Peace – spoken for by Lisa Herbig: 9th of July in Centennial Park. Artisits will sell and demonstrate their creations.
Kayak & Canoe (& other human powered vessels) seeking landing and storage areas on both east and west Bamfield. Paul Bird spoke to the necessity of such landing and storage areas in Bamfield Inlet. He described how this would benefit community members as well as tourists. He also thought road accesses to the water were possible sites. Jane Morrison made the motion for Community Affairs to endorse the concept of this access to the water. Seconded by Stefan Ochman. Carried by vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM. Submitted by Rae Hopkins
Next Meeting
Monday, 20th June 2016 7:30pm @Bamfield Community School Everyone Welcome!!