April 18, 2016

Bamfield Community Affairs Meeting Unofficial Minutes 18 April 2016 7:30PM @ BCS

Attendance: Katharine & Suzanne Jennings, Bob Baden, Roger Demontigny, Heather Cooper, Chris McInerney, JP Hastey, Eric Clelland, Stefan Ochman, Charlie Clappis, Rose Janelle, Zelta Clappis, Keith Wyton, Lisa & Peter Herbig, Sheryl Mass, Jane Morrison, Louis Druehl, Rae Hopkins

Meeting called to order at 7:35PM

Guest: Chris Donison- Music by the Sea this summer is 2 July- 10 July. Visit musicbythesea.ca for information about the horns, the program, Ted Talks and other bits of information. -John Mass is the “go to” person to sign your boat up for the opening musical floatilla. Your boat will be issued a horn. –In 2017 Music by the Sea opens on 1st of July! -There are new board members on the Board of Directors. –A focus of the new board will be that every meeting is about a strategic plan. –There will be an office in Victoria with a person behind the desk. –The plan for this summer is to try to accommodate musicians and helpers on the east-side. –Accommodations are always appreciated. Please let Katharine & Suzanne Jennings know if you have space. –The program this summer will feature jazz performers such as Renee Rosners, Oliver Gannon, P.J. Perry, Rudy Petschauer, Neil Swainson and more. To see the complete concert program go. to musicbythesea.ca –Thank You to the community for its support!

Minutes of 21 March 2016. M/S. R.Janelle/K. Russell. Received.

Annual General Meeting 16th May 7:30PM at the school

Treasurer’s Report- Stefan Ochman: The CCCU chequing as of 31 March 2016 $188.04. High Interest Business account $32,164.60 with $14.98 interest.

Regional Representative’s Report-Keith Wyton: Funding for the Bamfield water system has been approved at ACRD for $600,000 from the gas tax fund. –Helipad. The Regional Health Board is writing a letter to request a helipad in Bamfield. –Keith attended a conference of Vancouver Island Communities. –The ACRD 2016 Financial Plan passed and is on the regional district’s website. –The Sugsaw watershed is part of the Huu-ay-aht and Island Timber plan. There is conversation with the Ministry of Forest & Lands about what is to happen in this area. -27th April there is an Open House in Port Alberni at the ACRD offices from 3-5PM to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ACRD. Everyone is welcome. –Moosehide Campaign. If you notice men around town wearing a small patch of moosehide on their shirt or jacket ask about it! It is a campaign of men who are against violence toward women and children. The patch of moosehide is a symbol of solidarity of men around this issue.

Bamfield Community School – Kristin Russell: During Spring Break Orla Osborne and Andrea Butler put up a green-house near the playground. This will be planted soon. –Through funding from the New Bamfielder guitar lessons start at school under the instruction of Sarah Osborne. -22nd of April is Earth Day. The school will have a beach clean-up. Meet at 10:45AM at Parks Canada at Pachena Beach. –Tuesday the 26th of April will be the D.A.R.E. graduation for 3 students with Constable Batt. Public is invited. -Every Wednesday is Buddy Reading. 12:45 until 1:15. Come read with a student! -27th of April BCSA is sponsoring a Community Lunch. !2:00/$7.00 per lunch.

Bamfield Community School Association- Charlie Clappis: The recent dental visitation was well attended. It was held in the school library. Lots of shiny clean teeth!

Bamfield/Huu-ay-aht Trail- Charlie Clappis: Council is applying for a grant to help with the funding of the project. Trail work has been postponed for now – it is complicated with the topography and crossing a creek and hydro poles. Note: Keith Wyton offered that ACRD write a letter of support for the project.

Huu-ay-aht Celebration- Saturday the 23rd of April 12:00 noon will be the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Motel to celebrate the acquisition of properties and job opportunities. A lunch will follow at the RIX Centre at BMS until 4:00pm. Everyone welcome.

Bamfield Historical Society- Heather Cooper: There will be an Open House & Membership Drive the 22nd of April from 6:30-7:30PM at Bamfield Community School. Membership will help support speakers, and exhibits – Individual: $5.00, Family:$10.00 for this donation members will receive a small waterproof book of tide tables in metres & feet. For donations of $25.00 and more you receive a tide table book and your choice of a matted photograph from the Archives. –Bruce Scott will be the exhibit topic this summer. He was instrumental in designation of the Pacific Rim Park and the Bamfield Cable Station. –There have been many visitors to the Archives. Recent visitors included 12 students from Quest in Squamish and Ron McDowell brought 2 visitors whose families have history in Bamfield. – Ron Long with 36 years association with SFU as a professional photographer will be showing some of his slides from Guatamala in the school library the 22nd of April 7:30PM after the Open House. –The Bamfield Historical Society is a partnership with Bamfield Community School Association.

Bamfield Community Hall Society- JP Hastey: 15th of May AGM at the Firehall 11:00AM. -19th of June- Chili Cook-off in Centennial Park. Watch for details.

Bamfield Volunteer Fire Department- Eric Clelland: BVFD members are still training. –The tower is up on the west-side and a tsunami warning siren has been installed. Note: BMSC has tsunami sirens to be installed also.

Bamfield Huu-ay-aht Community Forest- Stefan Ochman: The AGM was held on the 30th of April. The Forest Management Plan was reviewed. This plan will be submitted to the Ministry of Forests soon.

Bamfield Community Health Clinic-Donna Dunn by Rae Hopkins: The clinic’s Motorola telephone no longer works in Bamfield. This prevents the nurse on call to receive emergency calls when not in the clinic. Not being able to access the nurse is a serious issue for the community. This has focused attention on the fact that there is no cell phone tower in Bamfield! VIHA is looking into a satellite phone which would not serve Bamfield well because there is no service where there is interference from trees… A Motion to write a letter to Vancouver Island Health Authority expressing the community’s concern and seeking support for a cell tower after Keith Wyton brings this issue before ACRD was made by Bob Baden and Seconded by Stefan Ochman. Carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50PM. Submitted by Rae Hopkins

NEXT Meeting:

AGM 16 May 2016, 7:30PM at the school

Regular meeting to follow AGM

Everyone Welcome!