January 18, 2016

Bamfield Community Affairs Meeting

Unofficial Minutes

18 January 2016 7:30PM @ Bamfield Community School

Attendance: Zelta Clappis, Marnie McAughtrie, Diana Bartach, Jerry Gassner, Roger Demontigny, Bob Baden, Chris MacInerney, Ken Hawkins, Charlie Clappis, Christine Gruman, Bernie Wyton, Kristin Russell, Jim Spencer, Amelia Vos, Kate Rolheiser, Amy McConnell, Rose Janelle, Lee Weber, Peter Herbig, JP Hastey, Tao Eastham, Jane Morrison, Sean Rogers, Lisa Herbig, Keith Wyton, Louis Druehl, Rae Hopkins

Meeting called to Order 7:35PM

Guest Speaker- Bill Collette, Port Alberni Chamber of Commerce – Canada’s 150th Anniversary Celebration July 2017: There will be three sporting events taking place over the July First 2017 weekend in Port Alberni (one including Bamfield). 1st July 2017 – 3.8km Swim on Sproat Lake to include the site of the hieroglyphics and, hopefully, the Mars Water Bomber. Fireworks & food at Harbour Quay. 2nd July 2017 – 90km. Bike race to Bamfield against the Francis Barkley. Possible Pachena Bay salmon feast and visit to Bamfield. 3rd July 2017 - ½ Marathon & full marathon race to Maclean’s Mill against the steam engine train. There will be a weekend of activities including a car show at Maclean’s Mill. Events will finalize at Harbour Quay. The weekend will showcase the Alberni Valley & Bamfield. 1st of May 2016 – Steam vs Feet Challenge – 10km race against a steam engine. Register now! Contact Bill at the Port Alberni Chamber of commerce for more information 250 724 6535 or bill@albernichamber.ca

Minutes of 16 November 2015 . M/S R.Janelle/A.McConnell. Received.

Treasurer’s Report: Rae for Stefan Ochman: Coastal Community Credit Union chequing: $188.04. CCCU High Interest (0.55%) Savings Account: $32,120.66. Interest for December 2015: $15.00. Received.

Regional Representative’s Report- Keith Wyton: West Dock divestment, according to Lorraine Gill, is proceeding with earlier plans. The federal government is looking for some organization, group or individual to take over the dock. The community has until March to express interest in the dock. -CBC Victoria radio will interview Keith Wednesday morning the 20th about the dock situation and what it means to the community. The largest ships that tie up are federal ships, a good portion of Marine Science Centre students cross the dock, freight & mail and passengers are delivered to the dock. The community does not have the financial ability to operate and maintain dock. –The annual cut of crown land forests is being reviewed. The Deer Group Islands are crown land – they are not economically feasible to log so perhaps there could be some protection designated for example recreation area or perhaps those assets could be included in the Bamfield Huu-ay-aht Community Forest or under regional park protection… -Bamfield Water Board meeting agreed to formulate alternate turbidity standard test – if the results are okay (not exceeding limit) there would be a technical review of the filtration system. The Island Health would then be asked if it is going beyond what is necessary with the posting of the Water Alert! signs around Bamfield. –The Zoning Bylaw review and update process is proceeding. There will be another open house in the spring. – Congratulations to the Huu-ay-aht First Nation for their purchase of several Bamfield properties. They have demonstrated a great commitment to our community. I look forward to the new opportunities this will bring to Bamfield. – The Bamfield Health Centre Helipad is under review by a consultant. Island Health has reported that they hope to have further information to share within a few weeks. They are considering more than one site but I have advocated for keeping the helipad at the Health Centre. – BC Hydro is doing vegetation management on the Bamfield transmission line. They are also making some upgrades to the line itself. Automatic reset fuses are being installed so that momentary shorts do not require a crew to drive out to do manual resets. –The South Bamfield Road subdivision is proceeding through the permit process. 16 new waterfront lots are planned. There are also two new waterfront park areas proposed. – West Coast Aquatic has released the draft Barkley Sound Marine Spatial plan. Keith has requested that they come to Bamfield to present it and get feedback from the community. The draft plan is posted on westcoastaquatic.ca under ‘initiatives’ and from there under ‘marine spatial planning’

Committee Reports Bamfield Community Hall Society- Rose Janelle: Saturday the 23rd of January is the Robbie Burns Dinner at the Fire Hall. Doors open at 5:00PM Tickets are $25.00.

Bamfield Community School- Kristin Russell: The Christmas Concert at the school was a success! [Great Show, Kids and Ms. Russell and helpers!! Thank you!] The raffles and silent auction earned $986.85 which will help fund a school field-trip in the spring. –The DARE program which is a drug and alcohol education program is starting with Constable Batt for the next 10 weeks. – 26 January will be the commemoration of the 1700 earthquake at the Fire Hall. – 27 January is Family Literacy Day with a Community Lunch followed by an Open House at the school. –BCSA has received a literacy grant to work with 7 kids. – Buddy Reading is every Wednesday 12:45 to 1:15 except the 27th of January it will be 11:30- 12:00. – 12 February is the Jump Rope for Hearts fund raiser.

Sean Rogers, Acting Director at BMSC was introduced. Sean extended an invitation to anyone to feel free to stop by the station and come in and say “Hi”. A busy start to the new year with foreshore work. Public Education funding has been renewed. “Welcome to Bamfield Sean, Shannon, Jackson, Scotty and Willie!!”

New Business Bear Aware grant in aid application – Mandy Ross has submitted an application for funds. See attached.

Andrew Nikiforuk – Bernie Wyton announced the presentation The Reality of LNG: Fracking, Earthquakes, and Fractured Economies by Andrew Nikiforuk which will take place in Port Alberni the 25th of February, Thursday, 7:00pm at the Echo Centre in the Cedar Room East. For more information contact Keith or Bernie Wyton at wyton@shaw.ca

First Responder Program – Amelia Vos: Amelia is a certified First Responder and is championing the proposal to start a First Responders Program for Bamfield/Anacla. This would be a fully funded training program offered to candidates from Bamfield and Anacla with nine spots available ( ½ to Anacla and ½ to Bamfield). The hope is to partner with ACRD, Anacla and Bamfield for funding opportunities. If you are interested in participating in this training please contact Amelia at amelia.v@huuayaht.org

Kenxions transport service – Ken Hawkins’ new charter transport business will carry freight and passengers between Bamfield, Anacla and Port Alberni. Watch for a schedule coming soon. For more information contact Ken at 250 731 9727 or kenxions.com/wordpress.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM.

Submitted by Rae Hopkins

Next meeting Monday the 15th of February2016

7:30pm at Bamfield Community School