May 15, 2023


General Meeting Unofficial Minutes

Monday 15 May  2023 at 6.30 pm
via Zoom - hosted by Jamie Willock (Chair)

Attendees (30): Jamie Willock (Chair), Sheryl and John Mass, Julie Bradley, Tom Jensen, Robin Schmitt, Bob Schmitt, Ben West, Max Salamon, Tara McNeil, Stella Wenstob, Stefan Ochman, Jan Teversham, Alison Bird,  Clay Steell, , Glen Ballman. Jaslyn Haberl, Birgit Gagne, Louis Druehl, Rae  Hopkins, Frank and Jeanne Novak, Jerry Gassner, Barry Sills, Anne Stewart, Greg Willmon,   Bob Beckett, Jaleen Rousseau, Stacy Denton, Lisa Bye

Acknowledgement of Indigenous Lands: The BCAS acknowledges that the land on which we meet is within the Traditional territory of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations where indigenous peoples have lived since time immemorial.

Statement of Inclusivity: The BCAS is responsible for fostering a public forum within its community to facilitate communications and services that diverse groups identify as respectful, inclusive and accessible.

The meeting was called to order at 19.01 pm.

The agenda was passed m/BSills s/SWenstob

Adoption of Minutes of  April Community Affairs Meeting. m/JRousseau s/BWest


Bob reiterated Tom Jensen’s appreciation  ( at the AGM) of all the work that Jamie had , and continues to, put in as Chair of Community Affairs.

  1. Bamfield Affordable Housing

    At a recent ACRD Strategic Planning workshop that I was not able to attend, I submitted to the Board that we need to identify that  the lack of housing is a critical concern not only in Bamfield but throughout the region. Consequently, I would like to see the Board incorporate housing as a key aspect of strategic planning, including looking into accessing grants that would allow the ACRD to secure a Contract Housing Advisor / Consultant to assist local housing initiatives/opportunities.

  2.  Clay Steell makes presentation to ACRD Board

    I would like to thank and acknowledge Clay for making an excellent presentation to the ACRD Board on May 10th in support of acquiring an EV charger station on ACRD property in Bamfield. Clay has been a strong proponent for getting an EV station and he and I have had a number of conversations regarding grants relating to public charging stations. As a result of Clay’s presentation, I moved a motion for the Board to direct staff to investigate grant opportunities for community EV charging stations for Bamfield and other ACRD regional electoral areas. 

Discussion: The Community Hall  plans have incorporated two sites for electric vehicle charging. The question is how they will be funded- federal or provincial? Clay will discuss further with Community Hall Society.

3.  Proposed Zoning Bylaw changes regarding moorage in Bamfield.
Following a recent BCAS meeting regarding moorage and a community survey regarding the proposed zoning bylaw relating to moorage, I corresponded with ACRD staff in order to provide the results of the survey, convey that the community did not believe that the ACRD should duplicate current federal legislation pertaining to docks, and that I would not be able to support said proposed bylaw changes/amendments. At our last Board meeting on May 10, ACRD staff noted in a staff report to the Board regarding “Zoning Bylaw Review Update - Next Steps” that BCAS was requesting that the Regional District remove any dock or moorage regulations that would impact Bamfield from the draft Zoning Bylaw.

The report also identified that it was recommended that staff conduct further in person consultation with the various electoral areas recognizing that additional dialogue will contribute toward a better final product for the region. 



This will be available at the June meeting             


  1. BMSC Report- from Sean Rogers                            
  • We have 48 new university students on the station.
  • I recently attended a meeting with the SD70 Superintendent at the school. There is a survey to give feedback on their strategic direction for SD70 (today is the last day for feedback) -
  • Survey has closed as of May 15th at 4pm but you can provide feedback for the SD70 strategic plan although the survey has closed, please send it to! You can CC me (
  • My term as BMSC Director has been renewed for five years. It is also full-time now, so we will be in the community a lot more.  Thank you to all who participated in the renewal process. In the fall I look forward to sharing the emerging strategic vision for the station and how we can continue to build supports with our community.

2.Bamfield Community School Association – Jaslyn Harbel

To come

3. Centennial  Park - Sheryl Mass

  • The new float at Grappler Dock is now installed but the size of the dock stays the same. Expansion will come later.
  • The contract for the new playground has been awarded and there is a meeting on Tuesday. It will take 4-6 weeks to build it and ship to Bamfield so the building will take place here between July3 and 15 when the community should provide 12-15 people to assist in the construction for 3 days.
  • The perimeter of the playground will hopefully use 6x6s that they are hoping the Community Forest might be able to provide.
  • A summer person, aged 15-30,  will be hired for 8 weeks starting on July 1 to function as a park host.
  • The composting toilets approach  and decking on the Boardwalk is now all repaired. The total cost, funded by a GIA and matching funds from the Community Forest,  was $16.91 over budget and the Parks will be able to pay this!

4. Community Forest- Clay Steell

  • The AGM was last Thursday and a full Board is now in place with 5 members from HFN and 6 from Bamfield..

5. Bamfield Harbour Authority- Tom Jensen

  • Reid and Shannon are working hard as wharfingers for the dock.
  • Rae Hopkins is resigning as Secretary/Treasurer but will stay on until a new Board member is identified to take on the role.
  • Discussions have been held with SCH and so far they have been positive in the quest for developing a day use spot on the dock and increase long term use.

6. Bamfield Community School- Robin Schmitt

  • There are still over 40 students and that number is estimated to remain the same for fall registration.
  • School ends for students on 28 June and for staff 30 June.
  • A field trip is planned to attend a festival in Port Alberni where the students will perform a Huu ay aht song and then enjoy other activities for an all-day event. The field trip is partly funded by the New Bamfielder.
  • A new part time vice-principal position has been created  that Robin will take on.

7. Community Hall- Louis Druehl

  • A building permit is now being sought.

8. Road safety Association-Stefan Ochman

  • The next meeting is on Tuesday 23rd at 5.30pm on zoom. The agenda includes a road update, signage and creation of a  memorial at Km36 for the students.

9. Bamfield Volunteer Fire Dept. sent by Phil Lavoie

In response to a question about a local wildfire:

  • In the event of a wildfire in our area, we would put out a call to the Provincial Wildfire service and coordinate with them.

  • BVFD has minimal training or equipment to handle wildfires, so our role would be to support the provincial and emergency response as best as we can, and protect residence and infrastructure.

  • We have one pumper truck on the East side, two on the west (mini pumper and larger pumper), and the fire boat. The pumpers are limited to staying within the Bamfield water system - we can only go as far as there are hydrants and standpipes, and the fire boat doesn't leave Bamfield harbour. 

  • It would also be good to query ACRD's emergency manager (formerly Heather Zenner ) regarding wildfire response in Bamfield



  1. Dodger Cove Picnic

John Mass gave details about the picnic, a rejuvenation of an old tradition. It will be on Sunday 21st ,or if bad weather  then Monday 22nd. Anyone is welcome to attend but the original purpose  was to get people from HFN to revisit their old village site in Dodger Cove. Boats will depart from the East dock at 11.00 am so those wishing a ride should arrive there by 10.45 am. Food, drinks, music etc. need to be brought . Volunteers have previously prepared an outhouse for attendees.

  1. Lighting at Cougar Pass

Ben West has picked up cabling to enable him to get the lighting re-established through Cougar Pass.

  1. The culvert

Max Salamon asked about the culvert again. John explained that the site is not an inventoried road and so has not been maintained by Mainroad. Similar situations exist on the west side. John suggested calling Mainroad at 1 877 215 6006 or writing to Jessica.learn@gov.bc at MoT


The next meeting, before the summer break, will be  on 19 June 2023.

Meeting Adjourned at 20.00  m /JRousseau /SOchman  Unanimous