March 20, 2023
General Meeting Unofficial Minutes
Monday 20 March 2023 at 6.30 pm
via Zoom - hosted by Jamie Willock (Chair)
Attendees (52): Jamie Willock (Chair), Bob Beckett, John and Sheryl Mass, Ben West, Max Salamon, Tara McNeil, Stella and Wayne Wenstob, Jan Teversham, Alison and Paul Bird, Susan Derasp, Jaleen Rousseau, Jeff Honig, Clay Steell, Kevin and Marnie McAughtrie, Sean Rogers, Glen Ballman, Amy McConnell, Barry Sills, Christina Jackson, Jerry Gassner, Nancy Hendry, Rae Hopkins, Bob Baden, Shirley Pakula, Tania and Danny Burgi, Frank Novak, Ashley Klyne, Wayne Markel, Matt Harmeson, Betty Beyko, Greg Willmon, Laura Bradley, Bernie and Keith Wyton, Brian McKay, Reid Yokim, Wade Gaylord, Sean Rogers, Kevin Wong, Al Marston, Imperial Eagle, Flemming Mickelson, Shannon Mendt, LeeAnne Baird-Strong, Donna J, Stacy, Liz
Regrets: Tom Jensen, Bob Schmitt, Julie Bradley
Presenters: Patrick Schmidt and Deane Strongitharm. HFN
Mina Jung and Brenda Ohara. Small Craft Harbours (SCH) DFO
Sylvain Levert and Rim Benazzouz. Transport Canada (TC)
Mike Irg. ACRD
Acknowledgement of Indigenous Lands: The BCAS acknowledges that the land on which we meet is within the Traditional territory of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations (HFN)where indigenous peoples have lived since time immemorial.
Statement of Inclusivity: The BCAS is responsible for fostering a public forum within its community to facilitate communications and services that diverse groups identify as respectful, inclusive and accessible.
The meeting was called to order at 6.34 pm.
The agenda was passed m/JRousseau s/ JMass
Adoption of Minutes of 21 February 2023 Community Affairs Meeting. m/JRousseau s/JMass
Jamie introduced the guests who were at the meeting to present the current status of the HFN and three main public docks in Bamfield as well as to offer thoughts about future development on the docks. Basic information, put together by Jamie, on the docks is attached with these minutes and covers the East dock (HFN), Centennial Park dock in Grappler Inlet (ACRD), the Government dock in West Bamfield (Transport Canada (TC)) and Fisheries Dock also in West Bamfield managed by the Bamfield Harbour Authority (BHA) but owned by Small Craft Harbours (SCH) of DFO. Slides attached [1] [2] .
West government dock
The TC speakers had not visited Bamfield. Moorage on the dock is not under TC. Fees are not collected at the moment but the idea to do so exists. The last inspection made in 2020 found the dock to be in good shape. The last repairs done were in 2015-2016. The Lady Rose Company has been in discussions with TC and their immediate needs for dock repairs will be addressed in June /July this year.
TC has no mandate to operate there and the docks need to be divested into the best hands – which would be local. Funding is available to look at environmental and engineering considerations. The divestiture process often takes up to 2 years. TC will provide funding to the new dock based on their calculations of maintenance cost over the next 25 years. These funds will be provided to the new owners with strict audit controls to ensure the funds are appropriately allocated. TC would ensure the West dock is in good repair before a transfer of ownership.
If the dock is not divested then it would be eventually demolished.
Bamfield Inn has been discussing the dock with TC over the past year. It is really important for Bamfield Inn and the community to have an operating dock there.
Questions were asked as to why the dock cannot be supported by TC given it is used by Canada Post, Coast Guard and holds Spill kits. But this isn’t deemed essential by TC. They are looking at more commercial use of a dock and this is now more community -based rather than commercial.
The idea that ACRD could take it over was raised. The possibility of a consortium of Bamfield Inn, Lady Rose, ACRD was discussed. Currently there is no water lease as for other docks as it is held federally. If ownership changes then a lease would be required.
Currently no fees for moorage are collected. TC did not know when that stopped or why. To increase/ create revenue then expansion would be required for moorage.
The question as to why TC wanted to divest the dock returned and a motion was passed.
MOTION: The plan for Transport Canada to divest itself of the west government dock needs to be reviewed by BCAS before it happens m/NHendry s/JRousseau
Further discussion: The community needs a moorage plan in the new OCP. A working committee is needed to develop this plan. TC reiterated that the future of the dock if left with them would be eventual demolition. The current dock does not fit the federal mandate. In 1995 there were hundreds of docks but now there are only 17 supported commercial docks and 33 in total.
HFN- East dock
The moorage usage on East dock has not been tracked but the aim is to start doing it this coming year. The dock is specifically for HFN fisheries. The float house there may be removed and that will give a little more dock space.
There are expansion plans for Ostrom dock as East Dock has limited possibilities. 100 slips could be developed at Ostroms. This would be primarily for sports fishing. No applications for tenure expansion have been made yet.
Fisheries dock -BHA-SCH
Slides attached
The mandate for SCH is to manage Core harbours that support commercial fisheries. However, Bamfield is a non-core harbour. It is mainly for the community but it is an important access point for West Bamfield. SCH have a lack of funds to expand. BHA is looking at configuration options. Double rafting is an option. Funding is an issue. A series of slides is attached that SCH presented.
DFO would require an official organization (e.g. ACRD) to be part of any divestiture arrangement and the process could take 5-10 years. Public access must be maintained for 5-10 years and that would be required for much longer in west Bamfield. The priority for divestiture would be First Nations/Not For Profit entities/Provincial and lastly private. Any expansion would be off the current Fisheries Dock and not a private dock. DFO is willing to consider some form of interim dock expansion if the community provided the funding.
Note: Grappler divested from DFO when it was a very small/simple dock and it has expanded significantly since then.
Grappler Dock -ACRD
This is in the process of being repaired and expanded. They (ACRD) have requested an expansion from the BC Government to expand their tenure (since current water usage has outgrown the previous lease). Once issued then 2.75% of any dock income will be paid to BCGovt. The plan is to move the Fire dock and expand the fingers. Annual bookings can be made at this dock. It is completely booked for August. It’s difficult to raft up. Questions were asked about a hazardous spot on the dock (will be fixed) and improvement of the boat launch (not this year but it was repaired last year).
Private Dock Owners.
One Issue is renting out space on private docks.
ACRD says there is a draft for future dock usage as they were asked to develop them by Sproat Lake residents. A new single family dwelling would have only 2 berths. The number of boats that could be docked there would, however, depend on the size of the boats! There are already Provincial bylaws in place. To put in a new dock a development permit is required. Old docks would be grandfathered in. Interested people should contact ACRD and review the drafts and make suggestions. A motion was suggested
MOTION: Bob Beckett, as Regional Director, should canvas the community to reflect the wishes of the community related to moorage to be facilitated by Community Affairs m/KWyton s/NHendry Unanimous.
Ideas of where there would be space on the west side to put in a new dock were suggested. A space for small boats is really needed.
Regular General Meeting started at 9.10pm
Adoption of Minutes of 21 February 2023 Community Affairs Meeting. m/BWest s/BSills
2023 Budget Update
Initially when the ACRD Board and staff began 2023 budget deliberations, Bamfield was looking at a 22% increase or a $150.00 household increase. Working with ACRD staff, we have been able to reduce the proposed increase to 17.83% and we continue to look for ways to continue to reduce the increase. The Board meets again this Wednesday and we remain optimistic that we can find additional savings that will result in reducing the proposed 2023 percentage increase.
On a very positive note, Bamfield will receive a minimum of approximately $700,000 in grant money this year allowing us to address and or proceed with:
- The Bamfield Development Plan which relates to a review and revision of the Bamfield Official Community Plan in consultation with the community.
- The creation of a Bamfield Liquid Waste Water Management Plan.
- Putting funds aside for the Bamfield Water System Upgrade (underwater service to west side). We are optimistically awaiting word regarding an additional pending grant application for the entire cost of the installation which if approved would allow for us to compete the installation in the spring of 2024.
- Purchasing playground equipment for the Centennial Park Playground Program.
As of February 28th 2023
Cheque acct. $29,842.35
High interest savings account $22,586.86
Member account $5.21
Total assets $52,434.42
Please note that $16,600 was deposited in error by ACRD and will be sent back.
No essential notices.
- GIA-Sheryl Mass
Sheryl presented the request for a GIA to fund the repair of the Composting Toilet access on the Boardwalk for a second time. The composting toilets were built primarily by volunteers and minor repairs have also been made by volunteers. The toilets lie on Community Hall land but Bamfield Parks Commission maintains them. Liability Insurance has been paid by the Community Hall with some contributions from Community Affairs in the past. (Corrected from the last minutes) .
The request for funding can be shared with BHCF as they have donations for matching funds. Greg Willmon will waive any freight costs on the Frances Barclay. Tara McNeil said she would help Sheryl to set up a GoFundme if she wanted to go that route. Glenn Ballman offered his sawmill if Community Forest wood was available for the project.
Max asked questions related to liability issues of the Gor Tow being misused as a playground at Centennial Park and about the delayed culvert repair of Pachena road on the east side. Sheryl Mass stated that signage is planned for the Gor Tow. John Mass promised to question TC about the repairs to Pachena Road.
Meeting Adjourned at 9.28 m / JRousseau s/ SMass Unanimous